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If you browse the internet a lot, you will likely have come across a 404 error at some point—especially the website admins who encounter Hard 404 errors and Soft 404 errors during site maintenance. You must have heard about Error 404s on a webpage, but those are just regular “Page Not Found” errors. So, what exactly are Soft 404 errors, and are Soft 404 bad for SEO?

Soft 404 errors are commonly displayed on web pages by Google, specifically for larger websites. They are strange errors since they are a hybrid of 404 errors and regular pages, and it’s not always obvious what’s causing the error on a particular page. Soft 404 errors differ from general 404 errors that can potentially damage your webpage.

So, in this blog, we will help you clarify some confusion surrounding what a Soft 404 error is, why it happens, whether Soft 404 bad for SEO and how to fix them. Read along to get your answers!

Understanding Soft 404 Error and How to Fix Them: A Complete Guide [UPDATED 2024]

Finding and fixing Soft 404 errors is one of the crucial processes of technical SEO. Soft 404 errors are challenging to troubleshoot and fix because, in many cases, it is unclear what the problem is, making the issue very confusing. This is why we have prepared a complete guide to explain everything you need to know about soft 404 errors to find and address them correctly.

What Is Soft 404 Error?

A soft 404 error is a page on your website that appears to return a “404 Not Found” error code but does not indicate that the page is genuinely missing to the user. Instead, the page may display a message that it is temporarily unavailable due to maintenance or display unrelated or irrelevant content. Soft 404 error can occur for several reasons, such as when a page is empty, converted, or moved to a new URL without proper redirects.

What Is the Difference Between Hard 404 Error and Soft 404 Error?

People often get confused between Hard 404 errors and Soft 404 errors. If you are one of them, we have made things easier for you.

  • Hard 404 Error: Hard 404 errors are ‘404 not found errors’ where the page is not found, and the HTTP status code that is returned is either 404 or 410 (corresponds to “not found”)
  • Soft 404 Error: A soft 404 error occurs when a page cannot be found, but rather than returning to HTTP status code 404, the page returns a 200-success code, which is misleading.

In simpler terms, the page response code should have been 404 in both cases. However, that’s not the case with soft 404 errors. Let’s understand their technical differences.

S. No Hard 404 Error Soft 404 Error
1. A typical HTTP response code that notifies search engines that a specific page is broken or unavailable and won’t be restored. Returns a 200 OK status as a response. These pages have trouble loading, though; they aren’t dead. These kinds of pages are likely to be restored.
2. Incorrect or broken links and links that take users to pages that are no longer available might result in a hard 404 error, often known as a “not found page.” Google will flag a webpage as a soft 404 error page if a person visits it and discovers that certain information is missing. Blank, expired, or duplicate pages are the cause of it.
3. The developers must find and fix link errors. Unfortunately, link mistakes are hard to spot on large, complicated websites with hundreds of pages. Nevertheless, crawling tools like Xenu, Deepcrawl, and Botify can help to find broken links They are hard for crawling tools to find because they differ from 404 error pages in several ways. Soft error pages typically contain thin or plagiarised content. Crawling tools like Xemu, Deepcrawl, and Botify can inspect response codes, title tags, and related URLs. Developers can examine these pages to find soft 404 errors.

What are The Causes of Soft 404 Error?

There is not just one cause when it comes to looking for soft 404 errors. Naturally, this may require some research before trying to fix the problems. Below are a few possible causes of one or more soft 404 errors on your website:

  • This is something nobody else will tell you – Google is not perfect! Sometimes, even if there is nothing wrong with the page, they just mark it as possibly having a soft 404 error.
  • The page might be facing a temporary crawling problem. For instance, your page may momentarily display without content if your scripts or CSS cannot be loaded.
  • It is possible that you redirected your website visitors to an irrelevant page – like your website homepage.
  • It seems you have either very little or no content on your pages. If your webpage has less content, Google assumes that it should be marked as a 404-error code. For instance, in WordPress, any empty tags that you haven’t used yet will appear as empty pages if you put up a series of tags. It will result in a soft 404 error.

Are Soft 404 Errors Bad For SEO?

To be honest, YES! There are both direct and indirect ways in which Soft 404 can be bad for SEO and harm your website ranking. Soft 404 errors can significantly damage your website’s SEO efforts because they confuse search engines and users.

They send search engine crawls conflicting signals about the validity of a web page, resulting in search engines either indexing the page incorrectly or not indexing it at all. Ultimately, this leads to lower search rankings and less organic traffic, resulting in lost revenue.

How to Identify Soft 404 Error on Your Site?

Essentially, there are many ways to identify 404 soft errors on your site, but the easiest way is through Google Webmaster Tool, now called the “Google Search Console” coverage report. In particular, URL Inspection Tool and Page Indexing. Let’s discover all other ways:

1. Google Search Console (GSC)

You can identify soft 404 errors on your website using the “Google Search Console” coverage report or other third-party tools. If you visit GSC, you will notice a mistake marked “Submitted URL seems soft 404”. Click on it to see all the pages containing errors.

Google Search Console flags soft 404 errors and provides recommendations for fixing them. Another way to find soft 404 errors is to analyze your website’s crawl data using a web crawler tool that identifies pages with little or no content.

2. Google Analytics

Google Analytics does not provide a report about the missing pages by default. However, there are several ways to identify them. One way to handle this is by making a custom report and grouping pages with the error 404 – Page Not Found mentioned in the page title. Creating unique content categories and adding all 404 pages to them is another method for using Google Analytics to identify orphaned pages.

3. Operator Search Command

Using the site search command, one cannot identify 404 error issues because Google doesn’t index regular 404 or soft 404 web pages. Using the search operator, you can locate webpages from Google’s website with a particular keyword phrase inside their text.

Finding the list of regular and soft 404 errors can be simplified by using Google’s Search Console (GSC). The website traffic error logs are helpful for 404 error response identification.

4. Other Research Tools

You can use additional tools to identify soft 404 errors: SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Open Site Explorer, Majestic, LinkResearchTools, and the CognitiveSEO tool. Most of these tools will export a list of backlinks pointing to your domain. Then, you can analyze each connected page and search for soft 404 errors.

How to Fix Soft 404 Error?

Suppose you’re dealing with a Soft 404 error on essential web pages like category, lead generation, or product pages. In that case, it is vital to react quickly for a Soft 404 error fix, get these pages indexed, and restore them to Google search. How you fix the soft 404 error depends on the page and the cause of it.

However, speaking generally, the least you could do is ensure the URL returns the correct status code to match the right content. Here are a few ways to Soft 404 error fix:

1. Determine If the Page Actually Is a Soft 404 Error or Not

Lookout for fake alarms. Actually, in most cases, a page that Google Console mistakenly identified as a soft 404 error could generally be reviewed and approved.

  • Begin by selecting the appropriate report, namely the Coverage Report, and pursuing the clicks on the “Submitted URL seems to be a soft 404” button. This returns a complete list of soft 404 pages.
  • Paste these URLs in new browser tabs or windows to compare them easily.
  • To display the page on the search engine results page, select “Validate Fix” if it’s a legitimate part of your website. As a result, this will cause Google to crawl the webpage and change the status code.
  • You need to examine the page, go to the live URL, and test it when you are done.

Another way is to choose the URL and right-click to select the option “Inspect URL.” This will provide you with more details about the concerned page and provide a “Request Indexing” option.

While doing so, it is advisable first to enter the live URL to enable Google to update its report. Doing this will provide you with the page’s status. Often, the page will have no problems, and no alteration will be needed.

2. Optimize The Page and Submit an Indexing Request

If your page is present but Google has been giving a soft 404 for that page, then it might be solely because of the content of the page. In this case, the content of the page should be improved, and later on, it should be resubmitted to Google. This is often the case when the content is thin. The simplest fix is to include more content on the page. After the update, the specific page will become more ‘crawlable’ to Google and should prevent the soft 404 error.

3. Try to De-index the Page from Search Engines While Keeping It on Your Website

Another way to fix a soft 404 error is to leave the page on your site but de-index it from the search engine index. By placing the no-index tag in the header, the search engine will be told not to index any specific webpage present on the site.

This will help you clear the soft 404 error since Google does not list the page in the Error report. Nevertheless, you will be able to see this page in the excluded report under Soft 404.

4. Setup Your Server to Return the Correct Not Found Error Code (404/410)

If the page is not accessible or the page is invalid, you have to try to set up the website to return the correct status code (either 404 or 410). Once you have geared your website in the correct code, submit the page again to be indexed by Google. It should remove the soft 404 error.

By removing a page, you can decrease the percentage of soft 404 because, after the page has been deleted, if someone tries to access it, the HTTP server is going to return the 404 codes, indicating that the requested page does not exist.

5. Use the 301 Redirection to Redirect to a New Page

Another way to deal with a soft 404 error is to assign a valid page to the affected one and let visitors go there. You can achieve this by including a 301 redirect in the .htaccess file, which instructs the search engines that the specific webpage has been relocated. This is how it looks:

Redirect 301 /soft-404-page https://xyzExample. com/new-page-URL

Another way to add 301 redirections is with the help of the Yoast SEO plugin. When putting a 301 redirection, ensuring that the two pages carry identical content is essential.

Final Words

Soft 404 errors are pretty strange, and the cause of it is not always clear. However, with a bit of digging around – especially in Google Search Console – you can identify the root cause of the issue and implement a solution quickly. Keep an eye on GSC regularly for any new errors. Following the fixes mentioned in our blog can significantly impact your website’s ranking.

With our solid SEO strategies, you can improve your website’s SEO performance and provide valuable information to your users. If you want to know more about SEO tools like Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, etc, Contact our SEO Consultants today!!

Are you struggling to boost website traffic despite a good content strategy? The key is to address technical issues. And this blog is your technical SEO toolbox. We will delve into common technical problems, and how to find and fix them. 

7 Technical SEO Tips to Improve Your Rankings 

Technical SEO issues can arise due to outdated security protocols (like HTTP), flawed or irrelevant content, unstructured page layouts, or broken inbound or outbound links. Fixing these issues is critical because failing to do so will decrease customer interaction with your web pages and lower your SEO ranking. So, let us check out 7 ways you can improve technical SEO of your website and can increase its organic traffic in the long term. 

  • Ensure Your Website has Valid HTTPS and SSL Certificate 

In a digital landscape, security is essential. HTTPS encrypts your data, customer data, and all your website’s information. When a site has valid SSL certification, it signals to Google that the website values security, takes its visitors seriously and can be trusted with sensitive user information like login details and credit card numbers. Sites with SSL certificates give customers confidence in the safety of transactions and interactions. A valid SSL and HTTPS configuration indicates a reputable, reliable website that can rank better in search results. So, ensure your site has a valid HTTPS and SSL certificate. 

  • Make Your Website Mobile Friendly 

Ignoring a mobile means ignoring half your audience. Today, about 60% of searches happen on Smartphones. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly pages, rewarding user experience on small screens. Website owners should utilize Google’s Page Speed Insights tool to identify areas for enhancing your site’s loading speed and resource efficiency on mobile devices.  

The tool can help understand how to implement a responsive web design framework to automatically adjust content for various screen sizes. A seamless mobile experience indicates to search engines that your website values users across all devices, leading to higher engagement and usability. By ensuring your content is easily accessible and readable on mobile devices, you show a commitment to providing excellent user experiences, which is crucial for increased visibility across all platforms.  

  •   Update Broken Inbound or Outbound Links 

Broken inbound and outbound links negatively impact user experience and search engine optimization. Broken links can damage your website’s credibility and harm user experience. To identify them, use SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush and Screaming Frog which crawl pages and highlight status codes for dead or redirected links.  

Additionally, Google Search Console can help identify crawl errors related to broken links. Once found, such links can be eliminated either by fixing or removing them from linking pages. Fixing broken links improves site navigation for users and signals quality to search engines.  

  • UI/UX Optimization 

From the user’s perspective, UI and UX are the most critical elements for building loyalty and engagement. If a visitor needs help navigating confusing layouts, hard-to-find information, or unintuitive calls-to-action, no amount of marketing will retain them as a regular visitor.  

Businesses must pay more attention to UI/UX best practices. They should make their site easy to navigate and provide clear call to action buttons to provide a seamless, satisfying experience that converts one-time visitors into loyal customers. Overall, UI/UX is complementary to technical SEO best practices – both are key to overall success. 

  •   Delete Duplicate Content

As a Founder, content writer, or even developer, you understand that having duplicate content on your website will backfire. Such content across multiple pages confuses the algorithm and hampers your site’s ranking.  

 To identify duplicate content, use plagiarism checking tools to compare website pages against each other as well as against competitor sites. This is important because duplicate content limits the organic traffic customer directed to your business, hindering sales. To make sure your webpage doesn’t contain such content, eliminate duplicated content from your webpages. Another step is to make sure that one reviews the content regularly and checks for any new duplicate content issue. Addressing duplication improves website quality and SEO. 

  • URL Trimming 

If you are a developer, you know that code organization and clean architecture matters. Similarly, a website’s backend structure impacts user experience. The URLs linking to each page create a site “information architecture” that can help or hinder visitors. Messy, overcomplicated URLs look unprofessional, are hard to remember/share, and make user experience poor. Tidy URLs mirror quality code – optimized for both users and search bots. Let us check out examples of a good and bad URL. 

Good URL: 

Bad URL:  

So, ensure your site URL is easy to understand. Make it short and easy to understand. 

  • Fix Errors Like 404, 500 Server Errors  

404 and 500 server errors occur when web pages cannot be found, or servers encounter internal issues. These errors are seen as broken links by search engines, which can lead to lower rankings or removal from search indexes. For the user, these errors create a negative experience and can damage brand perception.  

To address this, website owners should regularly check logs for 404 and 500 errors, identify their causes, and resolve the underlying issues. Common fixes for 404 errors include updating outdated links or redirecting to similar pages. By addressing these technical problems, one can improve user experiences and establish trust with search engines, boosting their authority in search results. 

Final Words 

Make sure you check and resolve all these technical issues as they can disrupt your SEO efforts. If you need any professional help to resolve these technical issues, contact us today! 


With the swift evolution of technology, our approach to content creation and consumption is undergoing a remarkable shift. The days when one had to work hard to look for many references to create content piece have gone past. Now you can create content within minutes. Whether the content created is useful or not is a different matter altogether. 

 AI is a key player in this transformation, and the invention of sophisticated language models such as ChatGPT marks a thrilling advancement in this domain. From streamlining writing tasks to offering invaluable insights into audience interaction, the opportunities are limitless. Prepare to explore the domain of AI-fueled content marketing and uncover its potential advantages for the industry in this blog.    

What is ChatGPT Capable Of?  

Understanding the potential of ChatGPT involves discovering its abilities and what it can achieve. ChatGPT is an AI model trained on a vast library of text. It can converse in a human-like manner and perform tasks like translating languages, summarising information, and responding to queries. This makes ChatGPT an asset for content marketing, enabling automated content creation, sparking fresh concepts, and offering vital insights into how people engage with content.    

One thing to keep in mind while using ChatGPT is the prompts. The results you’ll get will heavily depend on the prompts that you used while researching. So, ensure you are clearly telling the artificial intelligence tool what you are looking for. If you’re using Charge ATP for AI powered content creation, then elaborately explain about your audience, where they are in the buying cycle and what are the pain points to get the content that suits your requirements. 

How is ChatGPT Helpful in Content Marketing?   

ChatGPT revolutionizes content marketing by offering a versatile set of tools. Its ability to help brainstorm ideas, understand queries, and provide relevant responses makes it a powerful marketing asset. It even aids in automating the writing process, helping create diverse content at a large scale within a short span of time. 

Further, ChatGPT streamlines tasks like generating blog posts or social media content, freeing up time for marketers to focus on strategy and innovation. One can also use it to do monotonous tasks like writing hundreds of product descriptions for similar products with a little variation. With certain plugins businesses can use ChatGPT to provide customer support 24*7, enhancing audience engagement. Additionally, its language translation and summarization capabilities assist in tailoring content for global audiences, ensuring a broader reach.    

Moreover, ChatGPT’s capacity to analyze audience interactions and preferences provides invaluable insights for crafting more engaging and personalized content, strengthening the connection between businesses and their audience. Marketers are also using it for getting market insights, contributing to a more efficient and targeted content marketing strategy.  

The Future Content Marketing  

The future content marketing is likely to see continued evolution and adoption of advanced technologies. The AI tools will become even more advanced and help content marketer in the following ways:  

  •  Personalization:

AI enables highly personalized content creation for seo and distribution. AI can understand consumer behavior and preferences through data analysis, allowing marketers to tailor content for specific audiences, leading to better engagement and conversions.  

  • Content Creation:

Natural language generation (NLG) of AI tools like ChatGPT can help create content efficiently. These systems use algorithms to generate human-like replies, aiding in creating articles, product descriptions, and more, freeing up time for marketers to focus on strategy.  

  • Predictive Analytics:

AI can forecast trends and consumer behavior patterns based on data analysis. Going forward, this ability will become even more precise, helping marketers anticipate needs and preferences. This insight will allow content marketers to create content that is more focused on the audience and help them see better results. 

  • Use of More Chatbots for Customer Engagement:

AI-driven chatbots are increasingly becoming sophisticated, providing instant, personalized interactions with consumers. They assist in customer service, offering information, guidance, and even product recommendations, enhancing user experience and engagement. In the coming years, use of Chatbots will become even more common. 

  • Better Content Curation and Recommendations:

AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, important metrics and user behavior, as compared to humans. After all, humans can analyze hundreds of pages in a day. With advanced technology, AI will be able to analyze industry trends and user behavior more precisely to suggest relevant content to users. It will lead to better content curation for marketers.     

  • Automate Tasks like Keyword optimization:

AI tools assist in optimizing content for search engines, improving its visibility and reach. There are many tasks that are being automated, saving time. However, in the near future we can see even more automation. One may be able to automate the process of keyword optimization, content structure improvement, and even sentiment analysis for better SEO.  

Final Words   

ChatGPT holds immense promise for the AI driving the future of content marketing, offering faster, personalized content creation. However, it’s imperfect—it might not understand feelings well and sometimes make mistakes. Still, using it alongside human marketers can balance its limitations. Combining AI’s efficiency with human creativity and oversight will be key as technology advances.   


Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) is an excellent free SEO tool from Google for every site that uses Google Search to drive traffic. It comes as part of your Google account. By definition, Google Search Console is not a keyword research tool; however, it is often used for analyzing the organic search performance of your website. If your website receives organic traffic and meaningful data from the past 3-6 months, you can surely use GSC as a keyword research tool. 

Although, doing keyword research on GSC will be different from the process of using a typical keyword research tool, it is most likely to help you find keywords relevant to your website. This is because you are not tapping into your competitors or trying to look for entirely new keywords to apply. Instead, you focus on where you currently stand in Google’s search results and make the most of the areas where Google already believes you to be an expert. 

Are you ready? Let’s hop in! 

6 Steps-By-Step Guide to Use Google Search Console as SEO & Keyword Research Tool 

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, Google Search Console is an invaluable tool. Not only does it provide essential insights into how your website is performing in search results, but it also works as a keyword research tool and offers valuable data showing which keywords are ranking well.  If used in a right way, it can help you get relevant traffic to your site. So, let us check out a step-by-step guide to using GSC for SEO & keyword research: 

1. Set Up Your Googe Console

Before you can leverage the power of Google Search Console, you must set it up for your website.  

  • Simply go to the Google Search Console website and add your website as a new property. 
  • Follow the steps to verify ownership.
  • Once verified, you’ll access the full range of features and data from Google Search Console.

2. Analyze Your Performance Data

Once you have set up Google Search Console, you can dive into the performance data of your website.  

  • The performance report shows valuable information about your website’s appearance in search results, including impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), and average position.  
  • This data can help you identify which keywords are generating the most traffic and the pages that are performing well.  
  • Analyzing this data allows you to make informed decisions about optimizing your content for improved search visibility. 

3. Identify Keyword Opportunities

One of the most powerful features of Google Search Console is the Search Analysis report.  

  • This report allows you to see the search queries driving traffic to your website. 
  • Analyzing this data lets you identify valuable keyword opportunities you may not have initially targeted.  
  • Look for frequently used search terms with a high click-through rate (CTR) but a lower average position.  
  • These are keywords that you can focus on optimizing further to boost your website’s visibility in search results 

4. Optimize Your Content

With the insights gained from Google Search keyword e Console, you can optimize your website’s content for better search engine rankings.  

  • Use the identified keywords to enhance your existing pages, create new content around those keywords. Remember to update meta titles and descriptions to align with popular search terms. 
  • By optimizing your content based on the search queries driving traffic to your website, you increase the likelihood of capturing more organic traffic. 

5. Monitor Your Progress

  • Regularly monitor your website’s performance and keyword ranking using Google Search Console.  
  • Keep an eye on impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and average position changes. Identify any fluctuations and investigate the reasons behind them.  
  • This ongoing monitoring allows you to make necessary adjustments and capitalize on emerging opportunities.  
  • It also helps you track the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and measures your progress over time. 

6. Submit a Sitemap and Check for Errors

As part of your SEO strategy, submitting a sitemap of our website to Google Search Console is essential.  

  • This helps search engines crawl and index your pages more effectively.  
  • Additionally, regularly check the Index Coverage report to identify any errors or indexing issues hindering your website’s visibility.  
  • Resolve these errors promptly to ensure your website is appropriately indexed and accessible to search engines and users. 

Good Keyword Research Is Just the Beginning…. 

This Google Search Console Ultimate Guide will help you set up your search console account and use it to find keywords that matter to you. However, you can learn how to use Google Search Console to its full potential but doing that alone won’t be enough! You must get familiar with all the parts of SEO to utilize all the data metrics to boost your SERP ranking. That includes – On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, and more… Keep reading our blogs to stay informed about all news regarding SEO. 

In Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the question of duplicate content has been a persistent concern for website owners and marketers. Duplicate content refers to identical or considerably similar content that appears in more than one place, either within a single website or across multiple sites. The topic impact of duplicate content on SEO has generated confusion and misinformation. In this blog, we will explore the topic in detail, its various forms, and its actual impact on search engine rankings.   

Understanding Duplicate Content 

Duplicate content can be distinct in several ways. It might be intentional, such as when content is duplicated for promotion, or unintentional, resulting from technical issues or content management system (CMS) configurations. Common structures include:    

Identical Content Across Pages:

Duplicate content arises when the same information is on multiple pages within a website. For instance, when a product description is repeated across various product pages. This scenario can create challenges for search engines in determining the most relevant and authoritative content source, potentially impacting the site’s overall search engine optimization.   

Printer-Friendly Versions:

Some websites provide users with printer-friendly versions of their pages, designed to facilitate better printing experiences. However, these printer-friendly versions often duplicate the existing content, presenting it in a format optimized for printing. While this duplication serves a user-friendly purpose, it introduces a potential issue with search engines, as they may need guidance to prioritize the primary content version for indexing and ranking purposes.   

HTTP and HTTPS Protocols:

Websites accessible through both HTTP and HTTPS protocols may encounter duplicate content issues. Search engines may identify the content served over both protocols as duplicated, impacting the site’s SEO.  

To reduce this, web admins should ensure a secure and consistent browsing experience by implementing 301 redirects to the preferred protocol, typically HTTPS, and signaling this preference to search engines.   

Syndicated Content:

Collaboration and content sharing through syndication or partnerships between websites are common practices. However, this can lead to identical content appearing on multiple sites. While search engines aim to identify the original source, the duplicated content across different domains may still present challenges in determining the most authoritative version. Properly implementing authorized tags or other signals is crucial to guide search engines and avoid potential issues related to syndicated content.   

Impact of Duplicate Content on SEO 

While duplicate content may not result in direct penalties, it can still have an impact on the SEO of your site and affect its ranking. As a result, you will see a dip in the SEO performance of your website.  

Lower Ranking for the Targeted Keywords:

Keyword Utilization occurs when multiple pages within a website vie for the same set of keywords, ultimately diluting the overall SEO strength of the domain. This phenomenon can lead to lower rankings for the targeted keywords as search engines struggle to determine the most relevant and authoritative page for a particular search query.  

To reduce keyword utilization, it is essential for website owners to strategically structure their content, ensuring that each page serves a unique purpose and targets specific keywords to maintain a matching and effective local SEO strategy.              

Decrease Impact of Inbound Links:

In instances where multiple versions of the same content exist on a website, incoming links directed to that content may be divided among these versions. This disintegration of link value can decrease the impact of inbound links on each individual page, potentially undermining the overall authority and ranking potential of the content. To preserve and concentrate link value, web admins should prioritize utilization, guide search engines to the preferred version, and combine link signals for optimal SEO performance.   

Threaten Efficient Crawling:

 Search engines allocate a limited number of resources, known as a crawl budget, to each website during the classifying process. Duplicate content threatens efficient crawling as search engines may repeatedly revisit the same content across multiple pages.  

This can result in a wasted crawl budget, preventing search engines from promptly discovering and indexing new or updated content. Web admins can address crawl budget issues by implementing authoritative tags redirects and regularly auditing their content to ensure efficient resource allocation and enhance the visibility of fresh content in search results.    

Poses Significant Challenges to Users:

Beyond its impact on search engines, duplicate content poses significant challenges to user experience. Users encountering identical or substantially similar information across multiple pages can lead to confusion and a diminished overall perception of the website’s value. Duplicate content undermines users’ ability to find diverse and relevant information, potentially reducing engagement and trust. 

 Therefore, ensure a seamless and informative user experience. It involves actively managing and consolidating duplicate content, emphasizing the importance of unique, valuable content to enhance overall user satisfaction and trust on the website.      

Final Words   

The issue of duplicate content in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a complicated challenge that website owners and marketers need to address strategically. It can take various forms, whether intentional or unintentional, and poses significant concerns for both search engines and user experience. If not addressed, it can lower rankings for targeted keywords, decrease the impact of inbound links, and threaten efficient crawling.  

Therefore, it’s important to ensure your content is not duplicated. If you need help to ensure your content is original and unique, contact ultimate SEO help today. We’ll provide plagiarism free content to ensure your SEO efforts are not affected in any way.  

Over the last decade, keyword research has changed a lot! During the early years, webmasters and so-called SEO experts used to stuff tons of keywords to rank their websites on the first pages of Google. It worked back then, but not now. The technical team at Google has focused on natural language processing and gaining a better understanding of the relationships between on-page information. 

Google gets smarter with every core update. However, despite Google’s efforts to get smarter, many site owners still optimize their sites with only a few keywords in mind. It’s an outdated strategy, especially considering that our landing pages tend to rank for hundreds of keywords. As the capabilities of Google continue to advance, our SEO strategies also need to improve to keep up with the latest advancements in search. 

So, how can we use Google to our advantage when optimizing our websites? The answer is “Keyword Clustering”. Let’s understand this topic in detail. 

What Is Keyword Clustering? 

Keyword clustering is a technique used in search engine optimization (SEO) and content strategy to group related keywords based on semantic similarity. The goal of keyword clustering is to organize and group semantically related keywords that share similar searcher intent. 

In keyword clustering, relevant keywords are grouped according to factors such as: 

  • Topic: what they’re about 
  • Search Intent: What they’re looking for 
  • Semantic Relationships: Other connections 

Keyword clustering is a technique that aims to improve a page’s ranking by grouping related keywords. This approach can help increase traffic and engagement. So, if you have already done your keyword research, it’s time you start doing keyword clustering to improve your website’s SEO strategy. 

4 Easy Steps of Keyword Clustering in 2024 

To harness the power of keyword clusters, it is crucial to note that using them to their full potential requires far more time and effort than simply optimizing a website once. Although, the term “keyword clustering” isn’t as fancy as it sounds but is very effective. You can check out the 4 easy steps that you can follow to align all your SEO strategies: 

  1. Generate a List of Initial Keyword

Begin by generating an initial list of keywords relevant to your website or content. Consider what your target audience might be searching for when searching for information related to your niche. You can brainstorm keyword ideas manually or use keyword research tool such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to identify potential keywords. 

  1. Analyze and Identify Semantic Relationship

Once you have your initial keyword list, it’s time to analyze and identify the semantic relationships between the keywords. Look for similarities in terms of meaning, searcher intent, or topic relevance. Pay attention to words that frequently appear together or share common themes. 

You can perform this analysis manually by organizing your keywords into groups based on their similarities. Alternatively, you can use keyword clustering tools such as K-Means, Topic Modeling, or LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) to automate the process and efficiently identify keyword clusters. 

  1. Group Keywords & Create Clusters

Group the keywords into clusters based on the semantic relationships you identified in Step 2. Each cluster should contain closely related keywords that can be covered within a single piece of content. Aim to create clusters focused on specific subtopics or aspects of your niche. You can label each cluster based on the topic or theme it represents. This will help you organize your content strategy and plan the creation of comprehensive content for each cluster. 

  1.  Optimize Content & Website Structure

Now that you have your keyword clusters, it’s time to optimize your content and website structure. Create comprehensive and focused content around each set by incorporating the related keywords into your content strategy. Ensure that you provide valuable and informative content that satisfies users’ search intent for those keywords. 

Update your website structure by organizing your content into sections or categories to reflect the keyword clusters. This will create a logical and user-friendly navigation structure, helping search engines and users understand the organization and relevance of your content. 

Remember to regularly review and update your keyword clusters as your content strategy evolves and new keywords and trends emerge. Keyword clustering is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and optimization. 

Start Creating Content with Keyword Clustering Now! 

Using keyword clustering, you show Google that your website is a big deal in your industry and that you have top-quality products, services, or content to offer. Additionally, you’ll be feeding Google’s content signals with the content clusters that they are trained to recognize and prioritize in search results. 

Keyword clustering is all about thinking bigger for your content. If you want your webpages to continue ranking on Google SERPs, it’s time to use keyword clustering to your advantage.  








Tracking the performance of your website can help you learn more about what matters most to your audience, how they find your content, and whether it appears in search results. Website owners and SEO specialists can precisely track the performance of their site with the help of Google Search Console.  

For SEO success, analyzing the performance of your site with the help of Google Search Console is a must. Since, Google Console is a vast and immersive sphere, we’re covering every little detail and aspect of Google Search Console SEO in this comprehensive guide. Here, you will get all your questions answered about the tool; you will learn how to set it up for your website or blog and how to use it for SEO success. 

What is Google Search Console? 

Google Search Console, or for short “GSC,” is a web service provided by Google that allows website owners and webmasters to monitor the performance of their websites and optimize their visibility in Google search results. It provides data on various variables, including user experience and search appearance.  


Google Console can assist you in enhancing your website and gaining more traffic from Google. Here are a few essential features that Google Search Console (GSC) provides: 

  • Error identification and fixing 
  • Internal and external link reviewing 
  • Monitoring crawling and indexing 
  • Request for updated page indexing 
  • Search performance overview 

Neither Google Search Console is a ranking factor nor necessary to rank better. However, the valuable insights Search Console provides makes it essential for enhancing search performance and increasing website traffic. 

How To Set Up Google Search Console for Your Website or Blog? 

You don’t need to be an expert in HTML or coding to set up your Google Search Console. However, you should take some time to think about how your website is organized and written, and you will be ready to make changes. 

To set up Google Search Console for your website or blog, follow these steps: 

 Sign into Google Search Console

  • If you already have a Google account, visit the Google Search Console website and sign in using your Google account credentials. 
  • If you don’t have a Google account, create one for free and sign in to Google Search Console. 

 Add your website or blog properly

  • Once signed in, click the “Add Property” button on the Search Console dashboard. 
  • Enter your website or blog’s domain or URL-prefix and click “Continue”. 
  • Follow the prompts to verify your ownership of the website or blog. 

Choose a verification method

  • Google Search Console provides several verification methods. 
  • The recommended method is downloading an HTML verification file and uploading it to your website’s root directory.
  • Alternatively, you can choose from other verification methods like HTML tag, DNS verification, or Google Analytics.

Verify your website or blog

  • Follow the specific instructions provided for the chosen verification method.
  • Once the verification is successful, Google Search Console will collect data for your website or blog.

Set up additional features

  • Once you’ve verified your website or blog, you can explore and set up additional features within Google Search Console. 
  • For example, you can submit a sitemap to help Google understand the structure of your website and discover new content quickly. 

How To Use Google Search Console for SEO Success? 

One of the key advantages of using Google Console for SEO is that it assists you in locating and resolving problems that can affect your search engine ranking. As an indispensable asset in an SEO professional’s arsenal, GSC offers many features and functionalities to drive SEO success.  

Here are some key areas that you must focus on: 

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Dashboard

Start by familiarizing yourself with the Google Search Console dashboard. Understand the navigation and various sections such as Performance, Index Coverage, URL Inspection, and more. This will help you navigate the tool efficiently and access your needed data.   

  • Analyze Performance Data

The Performance section provides valuable insights into how your website is performing in Google search results. Utilize the following tips to make the most of this data: 

  • Analyse Search Queries: Dive into the queries that drive traffic to your website. Identify high-performing keywords and leverage them to optimize your content and meta tags. 
  •  Study Click-Through Rates (CTR): Pay attention to pages with high impressions but low CTR. Optimize their meta titles and descriptions to entice users to click through to your website.
  • Monitor Average Position: Identify pages that rank just below the first page of search results. Optimize them further to improve their chances of ranking higher and driving more traffic.
  • Optimize Your Website’s Indexability

The Index Coverage section helps you understand how Google crawls and indexes your website. Use the following tips to ensure optimal indexability: 

  • Resolve Crawl Errors: Identify and fix any crawl errors reported by Google Search Console. These errors could prevent your pages from indexing properly and affect your website’s visibility. 
  •  Submit a Sitemap: Submit an accurate sitemap to Google using the Sitemaps feature. This helps Google discover and index your website’s pages more efficiently.
  • Use the URL Inspection Tool

The URL Inspection tool provides a detailed analysis of how Google sees a specific URL on your website. Here’s how to maximize its potential: 

  • Analyse Indexability: Check if Google indexes your pages. If not, pinpoint the issues and address them promptly. 
  •  Check Mobile-Friendliness: With mobile searches on the rise, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Identify any mobile usability issues through the tool and take steps to rectify them.   
  • Leverage Structured Data

Structured data is vital in enhancing your website’s visibility in search results. Use these tips to optimize your structured data: 

  • Check for Errors: Verify if there are any issues with your structured data markup using the Rich Results Test in Google Search Console. Fix errors or warnings to ensure proper display of rich snippets in search results. 
  •  Monitor Enhancements: Google Search Console provides insights into various enhanced search features your website is eligible for, such as breadcrumbs, FAQs, and more. Keep an eye on these enhancements and implement them when relevant. 
  • Monitor Security Issues

Ensuring the security of your website as it is very crucial. Use Google Search Console to monitor for any potential security issues: 

  • Review Security Issues Notifications: Regularly check for security issues flagged by Google Search Console. Address security vulnerabilities promptly to protect your website and maintain its SEO integrity. 
  • Implement HTTPS: Enable HTTPS on your website for secure communication with users. Google Search Console guides the migration process and ensures a smooth transition. 


There are plenty of tools to support your SEO strategy. But in the end, we believe that Search Console is more than enough to help you optimize your site or blog for search engines. It offers an easy interface, excellent functionality, and great insights.  

If you haven’t already, set up Google Search Console. If you need help setting up your Google Console, contact us! 


Technological advancement has fundamentally changed how we work and interact with the world. The impact of AI is felt in every nook and corner of the digital space, and content marketing is no exception. AI, machine learning, and automation are slowly replacing the understanding and intelligence we require to create, distribute, and evaluate the success of content marketing campaigns.  

AI-driven content creation is helping marketers reach their target audience and provide them with the information they seek more effectively. In fact, as per a study conducted by Statista, the market for AI was $15.84 Billion in 2021, which is estimated to cross the $107.5 Billion mark by the end of 2028.  

Many experts believe that AI-powered content creation is the future because of the rapid advancements it’s making by AI tools. But how exactly is this statement true? Is AI driving the future of SEO content? Will AI replace humans? Let’s dive deep into the blog to know more about it! 

Role of AI in Our Daily Lives 

You have probably encountered many examples of AI daily without even realizing it! A widespread example of AI marketing is receiving “product recommendations just for you” from online retailers based on browsing history or past purchases. In addition, AI is used for search result optimization by eCommerce websites. This is just one example of how AI transforms the marketing landscape to give consumers more exciting and tailored experiences.  

Another example of AI seamlessly integrating into our lives is using Google Maps to search for directions to any place. The app uses GPS technology to share your location in real-time and how far you are from your destination.  

AI in Content Marketing 

90% of consumers in the US find personalized marketing content quite appealing. According to Statista, 79% of content marketing teams claim an increase in revenue after incorporating AI into their work ecosystem. And the number of marketers who use AI is up from 29% in 2018 to 84% in 2020, which is more than double. Now, these statistics aren’t surprising to many marketers. They show that AI lets content marketers achieve their goals quicker and faster. Therefore, in today’s competitive market, if you want your business to stand out, you need to use AI for content marketing strategy along with your traditional method. 

How is AI Driving the Future of Content Marketing? 

You can produce more effective and targeted content using AI in content marketing, and you can understand your audience better. AI can assist you in locating potential clients and establishing relationships with them.  

You can benefit from AI potential to enhance your content marketing efforts by using the appropriate tools and strategies. Many businesses are already leveraging AI for content creation for SEO. Let us see how AI is helping drive the future of content marketing in such companies. 

  • Enhance Data Analysis 

One of the critical advantages of AI-driven content creation is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. AI-powered algorithms can process data from various sources, including customer behavior, social media insights, and market trends. This valuable data can give marketers actionable insights, enabling them to make informed decisions about content creation, distribution, and optimization. 

  • Personalize Content Recommendations 

AI can analyze user preferences, browsing history, and engagement patterns to recommend personalized content. By leveraging AI, marketers dynamically present relevant content tailored to each user’s interests, increasing engagement and satisfaction. This level of personalization has helped them build stronger connections with the audience and drive increased customer loyalty. 

  • Automate Content Creation 

AI technology, such as natural language generation (NLG), can automate content creation, allowing marketers to quickly produce large volumes of high-quality content. By inputting relevant data and parameters, NLG algorithms can generate blog posts, product descriptions, and even social media captions, thereby saving time and resources while maintaining consistency in content creation. Many companies are using AI to automate some of their marketing tasks and diverting their time to other essential tasks that need their attention. 

  • Voice Search Optimization 

With the rise of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, optimizing content for voice search is crucial. AI plays a significant role in voice search optimization by analyzing user queries, understanding natural language, and optimizing content accordingly. By incorporating AI-driven strategies, marketers ensure their content is discoverable and accessible to users using voice search. 

  • Streamline Customer Service 

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are transforming customer service experiences. These intelligent bots can handle customer inquiries, provide instant responses, and offer personalized recommendations based on user input. By integrating AI chatbots into websites or messaging platforms, businesses can provide enhanced customer support, improve response times, and create a seamless user experience. 


As AI continues to evolve, its impact on the content marketing industry is becoming increasingly evident. AI is revolutionizing the way businesses and brands engage with their audience. Embracing AI-driven strategies empowers marketers to create content that resonates with their target audience, drives engagement, and enhances the overall customer experience.  

Businesses can thrive in the fast-paced digital landscape of tomorrow by embracing AI-driven content creation and staying ahead of the curve! Contact Us to know more… 

In 2023, all businesses are moving online. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the best strategy to make your brand appear on the online market to boost your brand visibility. It is a part of every company’s marketing strategy since it is affordable and gives results in the long term. In case you only want to target your local audience, then choosing a local SEO services provider who will take care of local SEO of your site is essential.  

However, we’ve found that there are also several mistakes people make that can affect their search engine optimization efforts. It is pretty normal to make mistakes while doing SEO for a website. That is why digital marketers must be aware of the most common SEO mistakes and understand how to avoid them in 2024. 

Why Is SEO Important for Your Business? 

Why is SEO or search engine optimization so important for your website? According to studies, 18% of searchers open a new Google search window before selecting any results on the first page of their initial query. The second and following pages of search results are also never visited by 75% of internet users.  

This is why getting your business to appear on the first page of Google search results is crucial to attracting new clients. The likelihood of being seen and noticed declines further down the search results page of your business. 

Top 7 SEO Mistakes That You Must Avoid and How to Fix It? 

2021-2022 was a turbulent year for us all, with many SEO and Google algorithm changes. This resulted in confusion, panic, and Google’s infamous ‘Quality Update,’ which took out thousands of websites overnight. While it’s necessary to reflect on 2023 and years before that, there is no need to fear as the upcoming years look set to bring more growth.  

Therefore, to help you stay ahead in 2024, we have identified seven common search engine optimization mistakes to avoid and practical solutions to correct those mistakes. 

  • Neglecting Mobile Optimization

The Problem: With increasing numbers of users accessing the internet via mobile devices, neglecting mobile optimization is a grave mistake. Ensure that your website is fully responsive and optimized for mobile browsing. Implement mobile-friendly design, fast-loading pages, and easy navigation for a seamless user experience.  

Solution: Adopt a mobile-first approach and use responsive design techniques to create a user-friendly experience across all devices. Prioritize mobile page speed and optimize images and content for faster loading times. 

  • Lack of Targeted Keyword Research 

The Problem: Failing to conduct thorough keyword research can hinder your SEO efforts. You may struggle to rank for relevant search queries and attract the right audience without the right keywords. 

Solution: Use keyword research tools to identify relevant keywords with high search volumes and low competition. Optimize your website content, including titles, meta descriptions, headings, and body text, with these targeted keywords. 

  • Ignoring On-Page Optimization 

The Problem: On-page optimization is a crucial element of SEO that should not be overlooked. Neglecting on-page factors such as meta tags, headings, URLs, and alt tags can limit your website’s visibility and ranking potential. 

Solution: Optimize each website page by incorporating relevant keywords into meta titles, descriptions, and headings. Create user-friendly URLs and use descriptive alt tags for images to enhance accessibility and improve search visibility. 

  • Overlooking Quality Content 

The Problem: Content is at the heart of SEO. Publishing low-quality or duplicate content can negatively impact your search rankings. Search engines prioritize websites that provide valuable and unique content to users. 

Solution: Invest in creating high-quality, original, and informative content that meets the needs of your target audience. Conduct regular content audits to identify and update outdated or underperformed content. Aim for comprehensive and engaging articles, blog posts, and multimedia content. 

  • Neglecting Technical SEO 

The Problem: Ignoring technical SEO aspects like website speed, crawlability, and site structure can hinder your search performance. These technical factors play a crucial role in search engine rankings.  

Solution: Regularly perform technical SEO audits to identify and fix issues like broken links, duplicate content, slow page speed, and improper site structure. Optimize your website’s XML sitemap robot.txt file and use appropriate canonical tags. 

  • Lack of Link Building Strategy 

The Problem: Link building is a fundamental aspect of SEO that involves acquiring high-quality backlinks to your website. Neglecting link building can limit your website’s authority and visibility in search results. 

Solution: Develop a comprehensive link-building strategy by contacting relevant websites for guest blogging opportunities, promoting content through social media, and participating in industry forums and discussions. Focus on acquiring natural and authoritative backlinks. 

  • Ignoring Analytics & Data 

The Problem: Failure to track and analyze website data can hinder your SEO progress. Analytics provide insights into user behavior, keyword performance, and website visibility. 

Solution: Set up web analytics tools like Google Analytics to track and measure key SEO metrics. Regularly analyze data to identify trends, understand user behavior, and make informed decisions to optimize your SEO strategy. 


SEO is a never-ending process, and there is no magic formula. However, in this article, we have provided you with a lot of information to make your future SEO approach much more effective than it would otherwise be. So, if you are making any of the SEO mistakes that we talked about, make sure you correct them. It will help you reach your right audience that will be interested in your products or services. 




Effective PPC keyword research is the cornerstone of a successful digital advertising strategy. This allows you to reach your target audience and maximize your return on investment (ROI). It’s like finding the right key to unlock the door to your target audience. In this blog, we’ll break down the keyword research process into easy steps. This will result in you in reaching the right people when running a PPC ad.

This blog will contain practical tips and insights to help you master the art of keyword research for PPC. By the end, you’ll be well-equipped to create effective ad campaigns that connect with your target audience and drive business success.      

 Brainstorm Initial Keywords   

When it comes to keyword research for pay-per-click the first step is to analyze. This means you need to take some time to think of words or phrases that are relevant to your business, products or services. You can jot down any ideas that come into your mind and make sure that you think from the perspective of your target audience. What terms would they use to search for what you offer? This brainstorming session helps you to generate a list of keywords to work with.   

Use Keyword Research Tools   

Keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or  Moz Keyword are beneficial in finding the right keyword for your PPC campaigns. These tools provide valuable insights into competition-level keyword search volumes and even suggest related keywords you may not have considered. They help you understand what people are searching for and how often, allowing you to target keywords with high search volumes and relevance to your business.  

So, by using these tools, you can make more informed decisions about which keywords to use in your PPC campaigns. This ultimately improves your chances of reaching your target audience and driving more traffic to your website.       

Consider Keyword Intent   

When considering keyword intent, it’s essential to understand what people are looking for when they search for a particular keyword. Are they seeking information, looking to make a purchase, or searching for specific services? By understanding the intent behind each keyword, you can align your PPC campaign with the users’ expectations and provide them with relevant content.  

For example, if someone searches for the best running shoes, their intent is likely to find recommendations or reviews for running shoes. In this case, you should create PPC ads that highlight the benefits and features of your running shoes and direct users to a landing page where they can browse and purchase the shoes. This way, keyword intent also ensures that your ads are relevant, increases the likelihood of conversions, and improves the overall effectiveness of your PPC strategy.    

Focus on Long Tail Keywords    

Long tail keywords are more specific and detailed phrases people use when searching for something. These keywords have lower search volumes but higher conversion rates. They also help you stand out from the competition. So, targeting long-tail keywords in your pay-per-click campaigns allows you to reach a more niche audience who are active for exactly what you offer.  

For example, instead of targeting a generic keyword like shoes, you can target a long tail keyword like women running shoes with arch support. This way, you’re more likely to attract users mainly looking for that type of shoe, increasing the chances of conversions.  

Remember, while using long-tail keywords, it’s important to align your ad copy and landing pages with the users’ intent. Make sure your ads and landing pages provide specific information or solutions that the user is looking for. This increases the chances of successful conversions.    

Consider Keyword Match Types  

When it comes to keyword match types in PPC, it’s all about finding the right balance between reach and selectivity. Broad match allows your ads to show for variations and related searches, giving you a wider audience. On the other hand, phrase match narrows it down a bit by targeting searches that include your keyword phrase in the same order. Exact match is the most specific, showing your ads only for searches that match your keyword. Each match type has its pros and cons, so it is essential to consider your campaign goals and budget while choosing the right match for your keyword.       

Group Keywords into Ad Groups   

When it comes to elaborating point group keywords into ad groups. You need to group your keywords based on their similarities. This way, you can create targeted ad groups that cater to specific audiences. As a result, this increases the chances of reaching the right people with your ads.
For example, if your keywords are related to sports, you can create an ad group specifically for sports-related keywords. This helps you organize your campaigns and target specific audiences more effectively.      

Analyze Keyword Performance    

Analyzing keyword performance helps us see which keywords drive more traffic, engagement, or conversions. By tracking metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates you can optimize your content and marketing strategies to target the most effective keywords.    

Testing is the Key   

When it comes to PPC advertising, the test becomes a crucial aspect. This involves testing different keywords, analyzing their performance, and adjusting based on the data gathered. Remember that you run through your keyword research checklist before finalizing the keywords for your PPC. 

By continuously refining your keyword selection, you can improve the effectiveness of your pay-per-click campaigns and maximize your return on investment. It’s all about finding keywords that resonate with your target audience.       

Final Words  

Incorporating PPC keyword research into your strategy for PPC keyword research is fundamental for achieving success in your PPC advertising campaigns. It ensures you identify the most relevant and effective keywords to target and get the best results possible. So, keep the above tips in mind the next time you perform a keyword research!!