


You might have encountered the 502 bad gateway error at least once in a while. Also called ‘Error 502’, ‘502 Proxy Error’ or ‘HTTP Error 502-Bad Gateway’, this error usually pops up when the server acting as a gateway receives an invalid response from another server. So, are there any ways to resolve the 502 bad gateways? In this blog, let us dive through the top 10 ways to resolve 502 bad gateway errors on your website. 

What is a 502 Bad Gateway Error? 

A 502 bad gateway error is basically an HTTP status code that pops up when you view a webpage, but the server does not respond. This happens when the web browser fails to communicate well with the server, it fails. There are two servers one that acts as a gateway or proxy and the other is the upstream server. What happens is that the server acting as the gateway or proxy tends to receive an invalid response from the upstream server and that is when the 502 error occurs. 

The 502 bad gateway error is known by many other names such as- Error 502, 502 Proxy Error and HTTP Error 502-Bad Gateway. Such an error affects the usability of you website and you would not want that. Hence there are many ways through which you can avoid the 502 bad gateways which we will discuss in the blog ahead. 

How Do 502 Bad Gateways Occur? 

Let us understand a little how such errors occur. Yes, we know it occurs when there is a communication error between the servers. But there are many other reasons why the 502 bad gateways occur.  

Servers Being Overloaded 

When the server takes too much traffic or requests, it becomes overloaded and tends to show error. This usually happens when the website suddenly receives a lot of traffic and it is unable to process so many requests.

Network Errors 

If there is a network error from the backend, it is likely to cause communication interruption between the servers.  

Server Down 

When the server gets burdened with too many requests, it fails to process them and shows the 502 error. The server can also get down due to any technical reason or maintenance.  

Problems in DNS or Firewall 

If there are issues with the Domain Name System (DNS) or if the firewall is not setup properly, it blocks any request and leads to the 502 bad gateways. 

10 Ways to Resolve 502 Bad Gateway Errors 

If the 502 bad gateway error occurred on your website or if you want to avoid it if it occurs in the future, here are the top 10 ways you can fix them. 

  • Try Reloading/Refreshing the Page 

As we learnt that the reason for the 502 error can be when there is a sudden load on the server. One of the first things you can try to fix it is try reloading/refreshing the page and wait a few minutes. If this does not work, try a hard refresh to clean the cache for that site too.  

  • Clear the Browser and DNS Cache 

If the hard refresh does not give you any fix, try clearing the browser and DNS cache. This is because your browser might be having some outdated cache or your DNS could be unresponsive to incoming requests. Try clearing the DNS server on your device by using the command- ipconfig/flushdns (Windows) and dscacheutil-flushcache (Mac). 

  • Visit Your Website in Incognito Mode 

If clearing the cache did not work out, then the error might be coming from the browser extension. To check whether the error came from any browser extension, try visiting your website in the incognito mode. If your website loads easily without any trouble, it means you fixed the error. 

  • Test Your Website on a Different Browser and Device 

Another way to fix the 502 error is to test your website on a different browser and device. This will help you understand whether the error is on your browser or due to a network issue. Try opening the website on a different device or on another network and test where did the error actually came from. 

  • Disable All the Plugins 

Another cause for the 502 error can be the plugins which are either not verified or have some bugs. Try checking the installed plugins on the dashboard and uninstall if you see anything causing the error. 

  • Check PHP Settings 

It is a wise idea to check the PHP settings to see whether it has surpassed the time set for it. Generally, a 502 error might have occurred because the PHP process took longer than the set time which is 300 seconds.  

  • Check Your Website Status 

If the above ways did not work, then it is better that you check your website status. It might be that your server is facing a downtime and you might need a fix for it. You can try tools like 

  • Try to Check the Error Logs 

Try to check the error logs which will give you a clarity on what went wrong. You will get the error list or error log files through the admin dashboard that your hosting service has. Another way is that you can add define ( ‘WP_DEBUG’ , true ) in wp-config.php.  

  • Disable the CDN’s and Firewall 

Sometimes a CDN or firewall might be the cause of the 502 error on your website. Try to disable the CDN or firewall and turn them back on to check if the 502 error still persists.  

  • Contact Your Website Admin/ Hosting Provider 

So, if all the above ways did not fix the 502 bad gateway error on your website, then the last way is to contact your website admin or hosting provider. Your provider can better help to track down the persisting problem. 

Wrapping Up 

502 bad gateways occur when the servers are not able to communicate well or when there is some network error. Well, it is not a thing to worry and you can find many ways to quickly fix the issue. In this blog we gave you the top 10 ways to resolve the 502 bad gateways. We hope you try them and quickly fix this annoying error!