How to Repost a Story on Instagram

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Instagram users widely use the story-sharing feature on Instagram. From posting about their personal life to using it for selling their products, they are leveraging Instagram for almost everything. Sometimes users repost their own story or a story in which someone has tagged them. It can be a birthday wish, a group photo or a product promotion. You can also use this feature if you have an online business. In this blog, let us help you know how to repost a story on Instagram and the benefits it can offer.

Reposting a Story on Instagram: Why, When and What

Instagram stories are a great way to keep your audience updated on what’s going on in your business. Your shared story might start a new conversation with your potential customer and help build enhanced relationships. Talking about the repost story feature, it is a way to share stories of those entities that your followers do not follow. For example, let’s suppose one of your customers mentioned you in a photo and tagged you, but your followers don’t follow them. In that scenario, when you wish to share that photo as your story, you will repost it.


So, why repost on Instagram? Well, it lets you share interesting or valuable content, highlights user generated content and boosts engagement with your audience.


But is there any specific time to repost on Instagram? If you are someone going for social media marketing for your business or simply want to engage with your audience, then yes timing matters.


The main aim of the repost story feature on Instagram is to interest your potential audience. So, what is there that you repost? You can share content from influencers of your niche or accounts that share quotes or values.

How to Repost a Story on Instagram

Well, it’s quick and easy to repost a story that you have been tagged in. You get a message of ’mentioned you in their story’ and then you just need to add it to your story.

But here is a twist! Reposting a story when you have been tagged is easy, but what if you have not been tagged? In such a case, you first need to get written or verbal permission to share the post. Once approved, you can either record the story and upload or use any third-party app that allows you to repost stories.

You should also make sure to add a sticker or text and repost by tagging the original creator of the post.

5 Benefits of Reposting on Instagram

Reposting on Instagram is a great way to boost engagement for you and your original poster. It helps cultivate a community, spark new ideas and builds trust by sharing valuable content from others. It maintains relevance and connects you with your audience. There are many benefits of reposting stories on Instagram like:

Builds an Engaged Community

Reposting allows you to uplift others thereby creating a sense of connection and fostering an engaged community. When people find your content engaging and valuable, it is likely they will stay with your brand for long.

Sparks New Ideas

Reposting inspires fresh content ideas that help you create engaging posts by referring from others. This way you can learn from your audience and other collaborators and maybe think of your next marketing campaign!

Makes You Authentic

When you repost content of a credible entity, it shows that you are genuine and showcase values. This helps in enhancing your own credibility and authenticity with your followers.

Boosts Your Brand and Creates Trust

When you repost content of other parties that are more credible than you, it makes your audience believe that you are willing to share ideas from others. This way they trust you more and it also boosts your brand reputation.

Great for Social Media Marketing

If you are into social media marketing for your brand, reposting can be a great option. Firstly, it saves your time, diversifies content and boosts engagement levels. But you should also make sure that you are strategic enough when you repost your content.

How to Leverage Instagram Reposting for Social Media Marketing

Reposting on Instagram can be a great way to enhance engagement and strengthen your brand community. You can leverage it for your social media marketing in a strategic way. Run contests and create hashtags so that your audience engages and reposts these.

Other ways can be to run Q & A sessions and repost your audience’s queries in stories and answer them back. This will create a sense of trust and transparency.

You can also think of reposting content where your users have tagged your brand in their stories. Moreover, you can go on to repost some behind the scenes or funny moments to deepen your connection with the audience.

Let’s Conclude!

Reposting on Instagram seems like a great way of engaging with your followers, but it can also help increase your following. By considering the right social media strategies, giving credit to the original poster and being creative, you can boost your Instagram engagement. Reposting may seem an easy way that saves your money and time, but make sure never to get carried away with it. Stay original and credit the one you are reposting from.

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