
Google search console



Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) is an excellent free SEO tool from Google for every site that uses Google Search to drive traffic. It comes as part of your Google account. By definition, Google Search Console is not a keyword research tool; however, it is often used for analyzing the organic search performance of your website. If your website receives organic traffic and meaningful data from the past 3-6 months, you can surely use GSC as a keyword research tool. 

Although, doing keyword research on GSC will be different from the process of using a typical keyword research tool, it is most likely to help you find keywords relevant to your website. This is because you are not tapping into your competitors or trying to look for entirely new keywords to apply. Instead, you focus on where you currently stand in Google’s search results and make the most of the areas where Google already believes you to be an expert. 

Are you ready? Let’s hop in! 

6 Steps-By-Step Guide to Use Google Search Console as SEO & Keyword Research Tool 

When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, Google Search Console is an invaluable tool. Not only does it provide essential insights into how your website is performing in search results, but it also works as a keyword research tool and offers valuable data showing which keywords are ranking well.  If used in a right way, it can help you get relevant traffic to your site. So, let us check out a step-by-step guide to using GSC for SEO & keyword research: 

1. Set Up Your Googe Console

Before you can leverage the power of Google Search Console, you must set it up for your website.  

  • Simply go to the Google Search Console website and add your website as a new property. 
  • Follow the steps to verify ownership.
  • Once verified, you’ll access the full range of features and data from Google Search Console.

2. Analyze Your Performance Data

Once you have set up Google Search Console, you can dive into the performance data of your website.  

  • The performance report shows valuable information about your website’s appearance in search results, including impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), and average position.  
  • This data can help you identify which keywords are generating the most traffic and the pages that are performing well.  
  • Analyzing this data allows you to make informed decisions about optimizing your content for improved search visibility. 

3. Identify Keyword Opportunities

One of the most powerful features of Google Search Console is the Search Analysis report.  

  • This report allows you to see the search queries driving traffic to your website. 
  • Analyzing this data lets you identify valuable keyword opportunities you may not have initially targeted.  
  • Look for frequently used search terms with a high click-through rate (CTR) but a lower average position.  
  • These are keywords that you can focus on optimizing further to boost your website’s visibility in search results 

4. Optimize Your Content

With the insights gained from Google Search keyword e Console, you can optimize your website’s content for better search engine rankings.  

  • Use the identified keywords to enhance your existing pages, create new content around those keywords. Remember to update meta titles and descriptions to align with popular search terms. 
  • By optimizing your content based on the search queries driving traffic to your website, you increase the likelihood of capturing more organic traffic. 

5. Monitor Your Progress

  • Regularly monitor your website’s performance and keyword ranking using Google Search Console.  
  • Keep an eye on impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and average position changes. Identify any fluctuations and investigate the reasons behind them.  
  • This ongoing monitoring allows you to make necessary adjustments and capitalize on emerging opportunities.  
  • It also helps you track the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and measures your progress over time. 

6. Submit a Sitemap and Check for Errors

As part of your SEO strategy, submitting a sitemap of our website to Google Search Console is essential.  

  • This helps search engines crawl and index your pages more effectively.  
  • Additionally, regularly check the Index Coverage report to identify any errors or indexing issues hindering your website’s visibility.  
  • Resolve these errors promptly to ensure your website is appropriately indexed and accessible to search engines and users. 

Good Keyword Research Is Just the Beginning…. 

This Google Search Console Ultimate Guide will help you set up your search console account and use it to find keywords that matter to you. However, you can learn how to use Google Search Console to its full potential but doing that alone won’t be enough! You must get familiar with all the parts of SEO to utilize all the data metrics to boost your SERP ranking. That includes – On-Page SEO, Off-Page SEO, Technical SEO, and more… Keep reading our blogs to stay informed about all news regarding SEO. 

Tracking the performance of your website can help you learn more about what matters most to your audience, how they find your content, and whether it appears in search results. Website owners and SEO specialists can precisely track the performance of their site with the help of Google Search Console.  

For SEO success, analyzing the performance of your site with the help of Google Search Console is a must. Since, Google Console is a vast and immersive sphere, we’re covering every little detail and aspect of Google Search Console SEO in this comprehensive guide. Here, you will get all your questions answered about the tool; you will learn how to set it up for your website or blog and how to use it for SEO success. 

What is Google Search Console? 

Google Search Console, or for short “GSC,” is a web service provided by Google that allows website owners and webmasters to monitor the performance of their websites and optimize their visibility in Google search results. It provides data on various variables, including user experience and search appearance.  


Google Console can assist you in enhancing your website and gaining more traffic from Google. Here are a few essential features that Google Search Console (GSC) provides: 

  • Error identification and fixing 
  • Internal and external link reviewing 
  • Monitoring crawling and indexing 
  • Request for updated page indexing 
  • Search performance overview 

Neither Google Search Console is a ranking factor nor necessary to rank better. However, the valuable insights Search Console provides makes it essential for enhancing search performance and increasing website traffic. 

How To Set Up Google Search Console for Your Website or Blog? 

You don’t need to be an expert in HTML or coding to set up your Google Search Console. However, you should take some time to think about how your website is organized and written, and you will be ready to make changes. 

To set up Google Search Console for your website or blog, follow these steps: 

 Sign into Google Search Console

  • If you already have a Google account, visit the Google Search Console website and sign in using your Google account credentials. 
  • If you don’t have a Google account, create one for free and sign in to Google Search Console. 

 Add your website or blog properly

  • Once signed in, click the “Add Property” button on the Search Console dashboard. 
  • Enter your website or blog’s domain or URL-prefix and click “Continue”. 
  • Follow the prompts to verify your ownership of the website or blog. 

Choose a verification method

  • Google Search Console provides several verification methods. 
  • The recommended method is downloading an HTML verification file and uploading it to your website’s root directory.
  • Alternatively, you can choose from other verification methods like HTML tag, DNS verification, or Google Analytics.

Verify your website or blog

  • Follow the specific instructions provided for the chosen verification method.
  • Once the verification is successful, Google Search Console will collect data for your website or blog.

Set up additional features

  • Once you’ve verified your website or blog, you can explore and set up additional features within Google Search Console. 
  • For example, you can submit a sitemap to help Google understand the structure of your website and discover new content quickly. 

How To Use Google Search Console for SEO Success? 

One of the key advantages of using Google Console for SEO is that it assists you in locating and resolving problems that can affect your search engine ranking. As an indispensable asset in an SEO professional’s arsenal, GSC offers many features and functionalities to drive SEO success.  

Here are some key areas that you must focus on: 

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Dashboard

Start by familiarizing yourself with the Google Search Console dashboard. Understand the navigation and various sections such as Performance, Index Coverage, URL Inspection, and more. This will help you navigate the tool efficiently and access your needed data.   

  • Analyze Performance Data

The Performance section provides valuable insights into how your website is performing in Google search results. Utilize the following tips to make the most of this data: 

  • Analyse Search Queries: Dive into the queries that drive traffic to your website. Identify high-performing keywords and leverage them to optimize your content and meta tags. 
  •  Study Click-Through Rates (CTR): Pay attention to pages with high impressions but low CTR. Optimize their meta titles and descriptions to entice users to click through to your website.
  • Monitor Average Position: Identify pages that rank just below the first page of search results. Optimize them further to improve their chances of ranking higher and driving more traffic.
  • Optimize Your Website’s Indexability

The Index Coverage section helps you understand how Google crawls and indexes your website. Use the following tips to ensure optimal indexability: 

  • Resolve Crawl Errors: Identify and fix any crawl errors reported by Google Search Console. These errors could prevent your pages from indexing properly and affect your website’s visibility. 
  •  Submit a Sitemap: Submit an accurate sitemap to Google using the Sitemaps feature. This helps Google discover and index your website’s pages more efficiently.
  • Use the URL Inspection Tool

The URL Inspection tool provides a detailed analysis of how Google sees a specific URL on your website. Here’s how to maximize its potential: 

  • Analyse Indexability: Check if Google indexes your pages. If not, pinpoint the issues and address them promptly. 
  •  Check Mobile-Friendliness: With mobile searches on the rise, ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Identify any mobile usability issues through the tool and take steps to rectify them.   
  • Leverage Structured Data

Structured data is vital in enhancing your website’s visibility in search results. Use these tips to optimize your structured data: 

  • Check for Errors: Verify if there are any issues with your structured data markup using the Rich Results Test in Google Search Console. Fix errors or warnings to ensure proper display of rich snippets in search results. 
  •  Monitor Enhancements: Google Search Console provides insights into various enhanced search features your website is eligible for, such as breadcrumbs, FAQs, and more. Keep an eye on these enhancements and implement them when relevant. 
  • Monitor Security Issues

Ensuring the security of your website as it is very crucial. Use Google Search Console to monitor for any potential security issues: 

  • Review Security Issues Notifications: Regularly check for security issues flagged by Google Search Console. Address security vulnerabilities promptly to protect your website and maintain its SEO integrity. 
  • Implement HTTPS: Enable HTTPS on your website for secure communication with users. Google Search Console guides the migration process and ensures a smooth transition. 


There are plenty of tools to support your SEO strategy. But in the end, we believe that Search Console is more than enough to help you optimize your site or blog for search engines. It offers an easy interface, excellent functionality, and great insights.  

If you haven’t already, set up Google Search Console. If you need help setting up your Google Console, contact us!