
Link building


In the world of digital marketing and SEO, link building is one of the most fundamental tactics to improve a website’s visibility and authority. While link building involves several other tactics and strategies, ‘Outreach’ stands out mainly for its effectiveness. In fact, as per research by the U.S Small Business Administration, businesses that rank on the first pages of Google receive 91.5% of all organic traffic, while those on the second page only receive 4.8%. 

This explains how important it is to optimize your website for search engines so that it ranks higher on search engine result pages (SERPs). Therefore, staying updated with the latest trends and industry-proven strategies is crucial to succeed in link-building strategy in 2024. In this guide, we will share some of the most successful outreach in link-building strategies that help you acquire high-quality backlinks and get success for all your SEO efforts. 

Fundamentals of Link Building Outreach: Tips & Benefits 

In the beginning, link building may not come naturally to you, but with practice and strategy, you will develop reliable links. Many people view outreach as a volume game when it comes to building links, but when done correctly, it can help you obtain authoritative links from reliable publishers and websites. To help understand this topic better, let’s explore its meaning and benefits of link building strategies. 

What Is Outreach in Link Building? 

Outreach in link building is reaching out to other website owners, bloggers, influencers, or content creators to establish relationships and obtain backlinks to your website. It involves identifying target websites relevant to your niche and audience, researching their content, and creating unique and valuable content that would benefit their audience. 

Outreach usually involves sending personalized emails or messages to introduce yourself and your content and asking for a backlink or guest post opportunity if appropriate. This process can help to establish thought leadership within a particular industry and improve a website’s SEO ranking. 

7 Benefits of Outreach in Link Building 

Outreach offers numerous benefits that can boost your website’s online visibility and authority. Here are 7 key benefits of outreach backlink strategies: 

1. Increased traffic

Outreach helps drive targeted traffic to your website by securing backlinks from relevant and authoritative sources, exposing your content to a broader audience. 

2. Improved Domain Authority

By acquiring backlinks from reputable websites, search engines recognize your website as a trusted source, leading to higher rankings and increased credibility. 

3. Networking Opportunities

Outreach provides the chance to connect with influencers and industry experts, fostering valuable relationships that can lead to collaborations and partnerships.

4. Building Trust

Backlinks from reputable sites build trust with search engines and users, establishing your website as a reliable and knowledgeable resource. 

5. Staying Ahead of The Competition

Outreach gives you a competitive edge by acquiring unique backlink opportunities that set you apart from competitors. 

6. Brand Awareness

Through outreach, your brand gains exposure on other websites, expanding its visibility and recognition among a wider audience.

7. Learning Opportunities

Engaging in outreach exposes you to industry experts, offering insights and knowledge on the latest trends and best practices. 

10 Tips to Improve Outreach Link-Building Strategies 

With these 10 tips, your efficiency and link-building strategy outreach success rate will increase. But first, take a quick look at the most common areas that go wrong: 

  • Failing to do proper research 
  • Lack of personalization 
  • Writing poor subject lines 
  • Not being relevant 

Here are 10 tips to improve your outreach link-building strategies: 

1. Research

By doing proper research, you can improve the success rate of your cold email. You may learn a lot about prospects by looking through their website, recent posts, and social media profiles. This way, you will understand how and where to establish your online profiles. And you will also likely get an inspirational moment while you decide your best pitch angle.

2. Subject Lines

If the rate of people opening your email is below 5%, You most likely need to change your subject line. A good subject line is short and informative. Convey the purpose of your email immediately. For example, when you need someone to fix a broken link, saying “BROKEN LINK” will be sufficient to grab attention. 

You need to show gratitude first before getting links in mentions – “I appreciate you for mentioning our (brand) on (location),” “Thank You for mentioning us (brand) in (article name).”

3. Personalization

When you greet someone by name, it shows that you are interested in getting to know them. Emails that lack personalization are frequently interpreted as spam. According to GetResponse reports, personalized emails have an open rate of 29.95%.  

4. Be Relevant

Being relevant means doing enough research about the prospect to build a relationship by addressing topics that are important to them. Another crucial relevancy component is ensuring the subject line and text of your email match.

5. Choose Prospects Carefully

It is worth repeating the importance of high-quality, relevant prospects. One link from a high-authority website relevant to yours is far more worthwhile than a thousand low-authority links. Use a website authority checker tool to check the PA/DA of websites.

6.Find The Right Contact

Reaching out to the right individual within a company boosts cold emails’ open and success rates. For this approach, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is quite helpful.

7. Interact Regularly

Build a good relationship on social media before sending an email to a high-value prospect. Keep communicating with them regularly so they will recognise you immediately when they receive your emails.

8. Build an Asset Bank

Make a list of your website’s high-quality pages and blogs, then create links to them. When you have great content, getting influencers’ links will be much easier. Links are drawn to infographics, movies, giveaways, and interactive stuff. 

9. Use a Link Building Outreach Tool

Reaching out to prospects is now made easier using link-building outreach tools. In addition, they track outcomes, help create customized email templates, and locate email addresses.

10. Track Your Results

By monitoring the outcomes, you can determine when and where to adjust your link-building outreach campaign. You can get help from our SEO Consultants, who have excellent tracking capabilities.  

Final Takeaway 

This brings us to the final part of our comprehensive guide, which clearly explains the importance of link-building outreach strategies. However, link-building outreach is a lengthy process that requires patience and continual refinement. Our SEO Consultants can handle this entire process for you. So, contact us and hire us now! 

The best strategy to get a larger audience is to improve your website’s ranking on the search engine results pages, also known as SERPs. Your business will increase as your Google traffic increases. But how can you raise your domain authority and search engine results?  

As per industry experts, using SEO link-building strategies is crucial. According to a recent SEO analysis, only 55.24% of web pages have backlinks. This highlights the need for additional SEO strategies that concentrate on building website backlinks.  

So, if you’re searching for SEO link-building strategies to boost your website ranking in 2023, you have arrived at the right place. This guide will cover five link-building strategies to boost SEO and website ranking.  

If you are just starting with SEO, you need to know what link building is and its different types. Skip to the next section if you are an advanced-level SEO expert. 

What Is Link Building & What Are Its Types? 

Link building is creating links to your website from other websites. These links can be positioned anywhere on the page as text or an image. Google sees these links as feedback on the relevance of your website to other websites. As a result, it improves your site’s rankings in search engine results. 

With that being said, you may use numerous strategies and link-building tools to increase the number of links pointing to your website and improve its Google ranking. While some have been tried and true, others are no longer as effective. 


  • No Follow: Don’t convey authority at all, but they can still be helpful in other contexts. 
  • Do Follow: Your website gains additional authority when a user clicks a do-follow link. 

5 Best Link Building Strategies In 2023 

You can use numerous methods for obtaining links from other websites. However, today we will discuss 5 of the most powerful, natural ones that can help you get started with getting backlinks regularly.  

Write Quality Content 

Outstanding content is the cornerstone of any link-building effort that succeeds. Search engines will prioritize relevance and quality even more in 2023. Creating educational, thoroughly researched, and engaging material is crucial for obtaining natural backlinks. Prioritise answering the demands and queries of your target audience while delivering your content in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and simple to understand. 

 Your content is more likely to be referenced and linked to by other websites in your niche if it offers original insights and thorough analysis. Formats like infographics, in-depth guides, and unique research grabs interest and provide natural backlinks. 

Fix Broken Links on Websites in Your Niche 

In the digital landscape, with frequent changes and updates in websites, broken links are inevitable. By locating these broken links on respected websites in your niche, you may leverage damaged link building by providing your content as a replacement. 

Fixing broken links is a beneficial strategy. In exchange for helping website owners maintain the quality of their site, you receive a quality backlink. If you want to succeed with this tactic, create material that complements the broken link’s context while improving the reader’s experience.  

Strategic Guest Blogging 

In 2023, guest blogging will still be an effective link-building practice, but it will now take a more sophisticated approach rather than just placing links. The emphasis is on offering actual value to the readers of the hosting website rather than just placing links. Look for guest writing opportunities on websites with high DR and traffic in your sector. 

Ensure your guest posts give new perspectives and align with the host website’s content. Provocative posts that encourage debate and provide valuable takeaways are more likely to be accepted and shared, resulting in beneficial backlinks and greater exposure. 

Collaboration with Influencers: Influencer Marketing 

In the field of link building, collaboration is key. Your link-building efforts can be significantly enhanced by working with influencers, opinion leaders, and well-known businesses in your area. 

Influencer partnerships in 2023 go beyond straightforward endorsements. Use collaborative research projects, podcasts, webinars, social media campaigns, or podcasts to co-create content with influencers. By collaborating, you can access each other’s audiences and produce natural backlinks due to the alliance. 

Reaching New Heights: The Skyscraper Technique 

Popular link-building tactics like The Skyscraper Technique are still viable in 2023. The idea is simple: locate well-liked and practical material in your field, improve it, and then spread the word to those linked to the original content. 

New data, resources, or viewpoints. Reach out to the website to improve the present material content linked to the original content and share your updated version once it is ready. This tactic uses the idea that website owners are frequently eager to provide users with the most recent and helpful content. 


You can put these link-building strategies into practice that will survive the test of time and give you the best opportunity to rank your website. Let us know if we missed any important link-building strategy.