
SEO content


WhileFrom choosing a topic – to conducting research – to writing the blog – and finally clicking the “Publish” button, this entire process often demands countless hours. Therefore, it could be a major letdown if your post fails to receive the traffic you expected. Thankfully, there is a way to deal with low traffic, i.e., Search Engine Optimization! 

As digital marketers, we always aim to find new content strategy that will rank your posts on the top pages of Google, and SEO is the bridge that will get you there! That raises a question – How do you incorporate SEO content writing into your blogs? Let’s answer this with 8 tips for writing blogs to rank higher on search engines. 

8 Tips for Writing Blogs to Rank Higher on Search Engines In 2024 

Writing a blog post is super tricky! It’s like a delicate dance between writing for readers and search engines. Anyone can advise on what makes a good blog post, but most of these ideas are directed toward SEO specialists or amazing bloggers who don’t even mention SEO. So, where should the middle-ground people go?  

That’s why this blog post aims to provide writers with valuable bullet points on how to create blog posts. You can apply these tips for writing blog or clients to produce a successful blog by seamlessly combining on-page SEO with fantastic writing skills. 

1. Choose a Relevant Topic and Create Valuable Content

To rank well in search engines, start by selecting a relevant and exciting topic for your blog. The topic must be related to your business to attract more readers that you’re looking for. Research and understand your target audience’s interests and pain points to create valuable content that addresses their needs. Providing helpful and informative content will increase your chances of ranking higher and capturing the reader’s attention. 

Use “Google Keyword Planner,” a free tool from Google that helps you find topics for a perfect blog. Type the subject into the keyword planner, select “Get Ideas,” and you’ll be presented with valuable recommendations for important keywords to include in your blog post and title.

2. Identify and Use Keywords

Did you know that over 99,000 search queries are made per second on Google search engines? So, find the most popular keywords your audience seeks to outperform your competitors. Besides Google Keyword Planner, “Google Trends” is a valuable tool for finding the best keywords. 

Once you find all the popular keywords, insert them naturally in your blog because forcing them into your blog can make them sound awkward. Let them flow smoothly through your writing. And make sure not to reuse the exact keywords as it is called “keyword stuffing,” which can significantly drop your SEO rankings.

3. Create Titles that Capture Attention

After you have decided on the best keywords to use, use some of the highest-ranking phrases to create a headline. According to Backlinko, 20 different headline formats will grab readers’ attention and entice them to read your content. The title for an ideal blog post is 60 characters. 

For best results, Buzzsumo recommends keeping your blog’s title between 12 and 18 words long. Another tip is to add brackets “( ) “to your blog title. As per an online study by Outbrain, titles with brackets rank 38% higher than others.  

4. Focus on Structure and Length

Knowing the fundamental elements in your blog post’s structure will help you create engaging content. The basic format of a blog post is an “Introduction” section that tells readers what to expect, a “Body” section that contains all the vital information that you want to convey, and a “Conclusion” section that is the summary of the entire post. Following this strategy will make your blog more effective and easier to read. 

Google favors comprehensive content! Questions answered more thoroughly have greater authority and rank higher on SERPs. Therefore, you should aim for 1500 – 2000 words for a blog to optimize your content for ranking higher. Always remember, quality is always better than quantity.

5. Include a Call to Action

 Your posts should always contain a call-to-action (CTA). A CTA is an invitation to perform a specific action. For example, a button or link that directs the reader to a landing page where they may make an appointment, for instance, is a CTA.  

Whether subscribing to your newsletter, leaving a comment, or sharing the post on social media, a well-placed CTA can help you achieve your desired outcome and improve user interaction signals, positively impacting your rankings.

6. Optimize for SEO

Optimizing your blog for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another way to rank high on Google’s search engine. With keywords, well-structured long-form posts, and writing relevant content, you should also use link-building techniques, optimize your image alt text, and optimize your photos to get the fastest page speed. By addressing each of these SEO elements, your blog content will be optimized for more organic traffic.

7. Utilize Crosslinks

Crosslinks, also known as Internal links, are links from other pages to your website that link relevant keywords to relevant content. These links improve the authority of the pages on your website by providing users with easy access to similar content. So rather than using the generic term “Click Here,” make the text in your links as natural as possible. Crosslinking is essential for SEO and adds value for your viewers.

8. Link Externally

In addition to crosslinks, adding external links can help to enhance your SEO efforts. Adding external links has two purposes: (i) First, it adds value to your content by assisting readers in locating the content they want; (ii) Secondly, it tells Google that you have done your homework and have thoroughly researched the topic.  

Wrapping It Up! 

Wow, that was a lot of information! If you already have a blog, use these SEO and content strategies in your previous postings. While creating a new blog, we hope these tips will help you get a great headstart and rank well on Google. Need help putting these tips into practice, creating content, or running your blog? Contact our SEO Consultants at Ultimate SEO Help. We would be glad to assist you! 


Technological advancement has fundamentally changed how we work and interact with the world. The impact of AI is felt in every nook and corner of the digital space, and content marketing is no exception. AI, machine learning, and automation are slowly replacing the understanding and intelligence we require to create, distribute, and evaluate the success of content marketing campaigns.  

AI-driven content creation is helping marketers reach their target audience and provide them with the information they seek more effectively. In fact, as per a study conducted by Statista, the market for AI was $15.84 Billion in 2021, which is estimated to cross the $107.5 Billion mark by the end of 2028.  

Many experts believe that AI-powered content creation is the future because of the rapid advancements it’s making by AI tools. But how exactly is this statement true? Is AI driving the future of SEO content? Will AI replace humans? Let’s dive deep into the blog to know more about it! 

Role of AI in Our Daily Lives 

You have probably encountered many examples of AI daily without even realizing it! A widespread example of AI marketing is receiving “product recommendations just for you” from online retailers based on browsing history or past purchases. In addition, AI is used for search result optimization by eCommerce websites. This is just one example of how AI transforms the marketing landscape to give consumers more exciting and tailored experiences.  

Another example of AI seamlessly integrating into our lives is using Google Maps to search for directions to any place. The app uses GPS technology to share your location in real-time and how far you are from your destination.  

AI in Content Marketing 

90% of consumers in the US find personalized marketing content quite appealing. According to Statista, 79% of content marketing teams claim an increase in revenue after incorporating AI into their work ecosystem. And the number of marketers who use AI is up from 29% in 2018 to 84% in 2020, which is more than double. Now, these statistics aren’t surprising to many marketers. They show that AI lets content marketers achieve their goals quicker and faster. Therefore, in today’s competitive market, if you want your business to stand out, you need to use AI for content marketing strategy along with your traditional method. 

How is AI Driving the Future of Content Marketing? 

You can produce more effective and targeted content using AI in content marketing, and you can understand your audience better. AI can assist you in locating potential clients and establishing relationships with them.  

You can benefit from AI potential to enhance your content marketing efforts by using the appropriate tools and strategies. Many businesses are already leveraging AI for content creation for SEO. Let us see how AI is helping drive the future of content marketing in such companies. 

  • Enhance Data Analysis 

One of the critical advantages of AI-driven content creation is its ability to analyze vast amounts of data quickly and efficiently. AI-powered algorithms can process data from various sources, including customer behavior, social media insights, and market trends. This valuable data can give marketers actionable insights, enabling them to make informed decisions about content creation, distribution, and optimization. 

  • Personalize Content Recommendations 

AI can analyze user preferences, browsing history, and engagement patterns to recommend personalized content. By leveraging AI, marketers dynamically present relevant content tailored to each user’s interests, increasing engagement and satisfaction. This level of personalization has helped them build stronger connections with the audience and drive increased customer loyalty. 

  • Automate Content Creation 

AI technology, such as natural language generation (NLG), can automate content creation, allowing marketers to quickly produce large volumes of high-quality content. By inputting relevant data and parameters, NLG algorithms can generate blog posts, product descriptions, and even social media captions, thereby saving time and resources while maintaining consistency in content creation. Many companies are using AI to automate some of their marketing tasks and diverting their time to other essential tasks that need their attention. 

  • Voice Search Optimization 

With the rise of voice assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, optimizing content for voice search is crucial. AI plays a significant role in voice search optimization by analyzing user queries, understanding natural language, and optimizing content accordingly. By incorporating AI-driven strategies, marketers ensure their content is discoverable and accessible to users using voice search. 

  • Streamline Customer Service 

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are transforming customer service experiences. These intelligent bots can handle customer inquiries, provide instant responses, and offer personalized recommendations based on user input. By integrating AI chatbots into websites or messaging platforms, businesses can provide enhanced customer support, improve response times, and create a seamless user experience. 


As AI continues to evolve, its impact on the content marketing industry is becoming increasingly evident. AI is revolutionizing the way businesses and brands engage with their audience. Embracing AI-driven strategies empowers marketers to create content that resonates with their target audience, drives engagement, and enhances the overall customer experience.  

Businesses can thrive in the fast-paced digital landscape of tomorrow by embracing AI-driven content creation and staying ahead of the curve! Contact Us to know more…